Перевести на 1. я умею петь 2.мой папа умеет говорить по- 3.он умеет плавать,но не умеет нырять 4.когда я могу посмотреть этот фильм? 5.что ты умеешь делать?
1. That style of skirt went out fashion years ago. 2. We heard about the earthquake in the news. 3. This must be finished by five o’clock without fail. 4. Paul and I arrived at the party at the same time. 5. We were under the impression that they were moving to France. 6. Crime is on the increase in many cities. 7. The knock at the door took me by surprise. 8. He erased his project from the computer and had to start from scratch. 9. In my opinion, he is the greatest musician of our time. 10. I don’t know for certain, but I think she’s gone on holiday. 11. You’re looking a bit off colour – are you feeling alright? 12. The ceremony is being held in honour of the Pope’s visit! 13. He put salt in his tea by mistake, thinking it was sugar. 14. I can’t stop and talk. I’m in a hurry. 15. She waved until the car was out of sight. 16. We always stay in. Why don’t we go out for a change? 17. He told us the plan in brief and didn’t go into detail. 18. I mustn’t eat any chocolate. I’m on a diet. 19. Peter has gone to London on business. 20. She selected a CD at random and put in the CD player.
1. He was forced to admit that many years have passed since then, as he took leave. 2. They adored this child. He was their solace from the moment I was born.3. Her thoughts were still about his mother. She hasn't seen her since then, Irina has gone to London. She not only gave her and her brother the love and support, but always inspired them to achieve all desires. She was always their mother and father.4. She complained that as she knew her husband, he was always a workaholic.5. Oksana knew the poem by heart, as the mother taught her many years ago. And all this time it was in her memory (tostayinthemind). 6. He announced that he was in love with her since he first saw her.7.
It was clear that my mother did not have a minute of rest, since we got two puppies and a cat. 8. She was very sorry she for many years was not in the town where she was born.9. His English was perfectly (flawless). He was raised and educated in England ever since his family moved there. 10. He looked like a man who just received a million dollars.