Тоpic: Food taster for dogs and cats
Тема: Дегустатор собачьих и кошачьих кормов
Unfortunately, our Pets can not say exactly what the taste of their Goodies.
К сожалению, наши домашние питомцы не могут сказать, какой именно вкус у их лакомства.
Testing canine and feline delicacies-a very useful profession, brings a good income.
Тестирование собачьих и кошачьих деликатесов весьма полезная профессия,к тому же еще и приносит не плохой доход.
The employee is obliged to check that the feed uses only environmentally friendly food — no expired products.
Сотрудник обязан проверить,что бы корм используются только экологически чистый корм — никаких наркотических добавок или просроченных продуктов.
ответ:He was born in 1841 in Torgai Region. Being influenced by his mother he was fond of books and poetry. He finished the muslim religious school (medresse).In 1860 he opened the specialized school for Kazakh children (for girls) to teach them the Russian language. In 1928 he graduated from Leningrad University, where he studied at the faculty of History and Philology. He learnt the works of the worldwide writers and poets, such as Shakespeare, Byron, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Ferdausi , Nizami.
I cleaned in my room.
I went to a friend's birthday.
I play with a cat.
Это настоящий
I ate cupcakes.
I cleaned my room.
I went to a friend's birthday.
I played with the cat.