Тема поход в зоопарк: On last days off we with parents went to a zoo. This day I waited for the whole week. On the street there was a wonderful autumn weather, the warm sun shone, the easy breeze blew. All had an excellent mood. At an entrance to a zoo we bought tickets, various delicacies for animals and passed inside. Our campaign began with survey of open-air cages with wolves. Some of them went on a cage and the sharp canines showed. Others slept and in any way to us didn't react. Having stood a little at their open-air cages, we went further. In our zoo there are a lot of animals and I with impatience wanted to examine all. Most of all I like to watch monkeys and big gorillas. At cages with them always there are a lot of visitors. These are very ridiculous and amusing animals. They let out loud cries, pose ridiculous mugs, and all the time ask food. Someone from crowd threw to the monkey candy. She hasty started it developing and in a minute asked the new. Near monkeys there are cages with birds. Each birdie has the color. One bright, big, others gray and absolutely imperceptible. There are even birds of prey with powerful claws and a big beak. From birds I most of all like peacocks. Especially when they raspushat the beautiful tail. Most long we were late at a fence with deer. They ate with pleasure from hands carrots and apples. The adult deer with big, branchy horns tried to drive away the small all the time. They left, but again came back after the portion of food. They very much liked apples. Still we fed camels, horses, a lama, a burro, rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters. In a zoo we spent almost all day. At the exit to us suggested to make a memorable photo with the monkey. We agreed with pleasure. I very much like to go to a zoo and to feed there animals. I will look forward the following campaign in a zoo.
1. Я знал, что ты болеешь 2. Я знал, что ты болел. 3. Мы выяснили, что она уходит из дома в 8 часов каждое утро. 4. Мы узнали, что она ушла из дома в 8 часов этим утром. 5. Когда он узнал, что его сын всегда получает в школе отличные оценки по всем предметам, он был очень счастлив. 6. Когда он узнал, что его сын получил отличную оценку в школе, он был очень счастлив. 7. Мы не знали, куда наши друзья ходят каждый вечер. 8. Мы не знали, куда ушли наши друзья. 9. Она сказала, что её лучший друг - доктор. 10. Она сказала, что её лучший друг был доктором. 11. Я не знал, что ты работаешь в Эрмитаже. 12. Я не знал, что ты работал в Эрмитаже.
On last days off we with parents went to a zoo. This day I waited for the whole week. On the street there was a wonderful autumn weather, the warm sun shone, the easy breeze blew. All had an excellent mood. At an entrance to a zoo we bought tickets, various delicacies for animals and passed inside.
Our campaign began with survey of open-air cages with wolves. Some of them went on a cage and the sharp canines showed. Others slept and in any way to us didn't react. Having stood a little at their open-air cages, we went further. In our zoo there are a lot of animals and I with impatience wanted to examine all.
Most of all I like to watch monkeys and big gorillas. At cages with them always there are a lot of visitors. These are very ridiculous and amusing animals. They let out loud cries, pose ridiculous mugs, and all the time ask food. Someone from crowd threw to the monkey candy. She hasty started it developing and in a minute asked the new.
Near monkeys there are cages with birds. Each birdie has the color. One bright, big, others gray and absolutely imperceptible. There are even birds of prey with powerful claws and a big beak. From birds I most of all like peacocks. Especially when they raspushat the beautiful tail.
Most long we were late at a fence with deer. They ate with pleasure from hands carrots and apples. The adult deer with big, branchy horns tried to drive away the small all the time. They left, but again came back after the portion of food. They very much liked apples. Still we fed camels, horses, a lama, a burro, rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.
In a zoo we spent almost all day. At the exit to us suggested to make a memorable photo with the monkey. We agreed with pleasure. I very much like to go to a zoo and to feed there animals. I will look forward the following campaign in a zoo.