1. general - Has the University departed from the traditions of Oxford and Cambridge in many ways? 2. special - How does the University has departed from the traditions of Oxford and Cambridge? 3. disjunctive - In many ways the University has departed from the traditions of Oxford and Cambridge, isn't it? 4. alternative - Has the University departed from the traditions of Oxford and Cambridge or Hogwarts? 1. general-Did the University abolish the requierement of English for entrance. 2. special - Why did the University abolish the requirement of English for entrance. 3. disjunctive- The University abolished the requirement of English for entrance, didn't it? 4. alternative- Did the University abolish the requierement of English or German for entrance.
I am a very rich person. I have a lot of serves. They help me everywhere and everytime. They help me to сook and to wash clothes, to clean the room and to dry my hair. I even have the serv which helps me to brush my teeth. But my favorit serv is very small. Inspite of this it is very clever. I can ask it about everything in the world and I am sure - it will answer me immediately. It will help me to do my homework, it will help me to find the way in the big city and in the country. It will show me the nearest place where I can have a meal or helps me to bye tickets to the cinema. I am to tell only three magic words