Допиши предложения , используя словосочетания ewery day two days aqo last sunday ewery week yesteday last winter 1. we visited our 2. we made a 3. i have my enqlish 4. i see my friends at 5. he did his 6. theyb bouqht some enqlish
-Hi Masha! -Hi Nastya! -What are we going to cook today? -We are going to cook cookies. -What cookies exactly? -Cheese cake cups -I love it! What ingridients do we need ? -We need 16 oreo cookies, 60 grams of softened creem cheese, 150 grams of white sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract -Oh, a cake without eggs? -Oh, I'm sorry, I've forgotten to mention them! And 2 eggs! -That's okay, don't worry. Let's start. -Firstly, we should preheat oven to 175 degrees. Could you do it, please? -Of course! Done! -Thanks. Now we will line muffin pans with cupcake papers. -Our cupcakes are going to be so beautiful! -Yes! Now there's a task for you. Place one oreo cookie in the bottom of each cupcake paper. -Done! -In a medium bowl, cream together cream cheese and sugar. Beat in eggs and vanilla until smooth. Now pour over oreos in cupcake papers. -I already feel how tasty they are going to be! Can't wait to eat them. -Me too. So, let's get to the last step. -You mean to baking them? -Yes! Now put them in preheated oven. They would be ready in 15 minutes. -Amazing!
Dubai - sort of Heaven on EarthMy dream come true . In the summer of 2012 my parents and I flew to the United Arab Emirates . I just raved about this place , considering it a benchmark of luxury, wealth and beauty . Looking at the front say that my opinion has not changed niskolechko , but rather more in love with this country.Our trip took place in August , one might say , in the most " out of season ". Time for vacations and all that made their adjustments to plan a holiday. Well, save a little but .Wait indefinitely and that the airport ... plane landing ... ... five o'clock ... Sharjah . If anyone knows , it is one of the seven emirates . There was a long exhausting queues. We quickly checked the documents , " removed " the retina . When photographed , it still asked me, " Lins ? " ( Lenses? ) . Nothing you can not hide ) )Immediately change money at the airport . At the exit of tourists expected tour operators with signs that sit in buses and transported to hotels . A pleasant surprise was the rosette , which gave each tourist !Дубай - подобие Рая на ЗемлеСбылась моя мечта. Летом 2012 года мы с родителями полетели в ОАЭ
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