At all times there were special profession, which enjoyed the greatest popularity among all other professions. In today's world one of the most popular professions is the economist profession. As a rule, the more popular this or that profession, the more specialists with relevant diploma, there are so a lot of competition in a particular field of knowledge there. All this is forcing a lot stronger try all those who choose, in particular, the economist profession. I think I have the qualities of an economist, and this is very important.I love to plan, calculate, analyze the results and correct errors if they are to defend their opinion, and I think this is correct, because the company is planning an economist and costs, although it is not always like the people, the economist tries to improve enterprise revenue.nd although it is not always like the people, the economist tries to improve enterprise revenue. Honesty, dedication, otvetstvennost- it is one of the qualities that characterize this profession. When I began to wonder what profession to choose and where to go to learn, it proved very difficult, because millions of jobs, I reviewed a lot of online resources, publications, asking people of different professions specifics of their activities. I liked different professions, but in this profession, I found myself.state bank. The bank like no other agency should be able to count the money, there is always a need economists and for all tasks. For a person who graduated from the Faculty of Economics with good grades, as a rule, does not constitute a difficulty to find a job in a bank, because they work a lot and have a lot of staff. Useful economist and public service. Our country needs qualified professionals to plan and perform a variety of economic activities.monotonous work, requiring the person is constantly doing the same thing, and it might very well get bored. However, the most important thing is that I'm ready for this. The person who is going to work as an economist, must be prepared for this kind of difficulties to find a way out of the problem when it is overdue.
Кто не любит выходной день! но для меня это особенное время. я стараюсь, чтобы все были уже сделаны. тогда я могу быть уверен, что полностью располагаю всем свободным временем. и еще одно дело я выполняю заранее, обычно накануне выходного дня я планирую. четко распределив время, я не теряю его и знаю точно, чем буду заниматься. вечером, когда я прихожу домой, за ужином собирается вся семья. это тоже традиция, которая еще ни разу не нарушалась. нам всем нравится делиться тем, что с нами произошло за неделю и планами на будущее.