Advances in science don't always benefit humanity.
Научный прогресс не всегда идёт на благо человечеству.
He derived great benefit from the book.
Он извлёк из книги большую выгоду.
Give him the benefit of the doubt.
Предоставьте ему право на разумное сомнение.
The benefit of being intelligent is that you can pretend to be a fool, but the reverse is not possible.
Преимущество умного в том, что он может притвориться дураком, но обратное невозможно.
If you want to get a long-drawn benefit from this book, don't think once skimming the cream is enough for that.
Если вы хотите получать пользу от этой книги в течение длительного времени, не думайте, что для этого достаточно один раз пробежаться по верхам
Students, when you want to say something, think about it three times before you say it. Speak only if your words will benefit yourselves and others. Do not speak if it brings no benefit.
Студенты, когда вы хотите что-то сказать, сначала трижды подумайте. Говорите, только если ваши слова принесут вам и другим пользу. Не говорите, если это не принесёт пользы.
This law will benefit the poor.
Этот закон бедным.
With the benefit of hindsight, we can see things which should have been done differently, or not at all.
Взгляд в нам видеть вещи, которые нужно было сделать иначе или вовсе не делать.
Similarly, the strongest reasons for stopping are usually the short-term benefits (for example, feeling healthier and more attractive).
Аналогично, самые сильные причины для остановки обычно те, которые приносят кратко выгоду (например, чтобы почувствовать себя здоровым и более привлекательным).
Benefits are in effect.
Выгоды заключаются в эффекте.
This article analyzes both the benefits and the drawbacks of reducing military spending.
Эта статья анализирует как преимущества, так и недостатки сокращения военного бюджета.
Nowadays we are apt to forget the benefits of nature.
Нынче мы склонны забывать о пользе природы.
Who will reap the benefits from lower oil prices?
Кто выгадает от понижения цен на нефть?
I never thought that I would ever come across distance learning. Having tried it in my life, I realized that this form of education is not very convenient.
Distance learning, as elsewhere, has its pros and cons. Unfortunately, there are more minuses in it than pluses, but they are still present. To begin with, now I can sleep well in the morning, and not think about sleeping in the classroom. Also, if something in the topic is not clear, you can try looking on the Internet. There is unlimited time to complete assignments, and at any time you can go and relax, and not wait for a change, as in school.
Now about the cons. In distance learning, we do not see friends, classmates, teachers. Some material is not clear, and even the Internet cannot give an objective answer to any questions. Also, many have faced the problem of not loading sites. Due to the huge number of people who visit the site every day, it stops opening or takes a long time to load. Another big problem is assignments. Most teachers are on the same platform, but not all. Some tasks are in the electronic diary or in the VKontakte groups. This creates confusion and it is possible to forget to look at a site.
For now, that's all I can say. I really want to go to school again, and return to the usual way of life to which I am used to.