Change to the future tense. Write the complete verb will/shall.
Model: He studies in this class. He will study.
1. She will work in this office.
2. You will speak English well.
3. I will come to the lesson on time.
4. We will walk to their work.
5. He will bring his friends to the lesson.
6. He will open the door for us.
1 The building two years ago. was destroyed
2. I by the news he had told me the day before. was surprised
3. he at the airport tomorrow? Is … being met
4. The police it to me. will be handing
5. I into buying a motorbike by Martha. a) was talked, b) have been talked
6.Yesterday the whole programme over to a report from Bosnia. was given
7. A number of priceless works of art in the earthquake. have been destroyed
8. Because my visa had expired I from re-entering the country.
was prevented
9.It’s generally agreed that new industries for the southern part of the country. are needed
10. It’s incredible to think that these clothes by Queen Victoria. were worn
ученица 8 класса Асенкритовской общеобразовательной школы. Тема моего выступления Независимость - гордость каждого казахстанца.
2. Ежегодно 16 декабря мы отмечаем праздник - День Независимости Республики Казахстан. На протяжении многих веков казахскому народу приходилось бороться за независимость и суверенитет.
3. За годы Независимости Казахстан добился впечатляющих успехов в экономическом развитии, повышении уровня жизни наших граждан и создании прочных основ демократии.
4. В Казахстане проживает пятнадцать миллионов человек.
My mother let me go to the cinema.
She expected us to read the text.
My granny wants me to become a lawyer.
I wanted you to help me.
She makes me wash up.
The teacher would like us to translate this text ourselves.
My mother expected me to learn this poem by heart.
He let his son go to the theatre.
She would like him to cook a cake.
He makes me do homework.