As for me for Ideal school the main thing is to be comfortable for pupils. In the hall of this school must located comfortable sofas for sitting and also on the walls must be located the big mirrors .In classrooms must have comfortable chairs and desks. In the dining room should be prepared quality food. Also in the ideal school should be the ideal teachers who would be interesting taught. Here's my ideal school.
Стихийные бедствия могут возникать как независимо друг от друга, так и связанно: одно из них может повлечь за собой другое. некоторые из них часто возникают в результате деятельности человека (например, лесные и торфяные , производственные взрывы в горной местности, при строительстве плотин, закладке (разработке) карьеров, что зачастую приводит к оползням, снежным лавинам, обвалам ледников для меня это страшно! независимо от источника возникновения, стихийные бедствия характеризуются значительными масштабами и различной продолжительностью — от нескольких секунд и минут (землетрясения, снежные лавины, лимнологические катастрофы) до нескольких часов (сели), дней (оползни) и месяцев (наводнения).natural disasters can occur independently of each other, and connected: one of them can lead to another. some of them often result from human activities (e.g., forest and peat fires, industrial explosions in the highlands during the construction of dams, tab (development) quarries, which often leads to landslides, snow avalanches, landslides glaciers for me, it is scary! regardless of the source of origin, natural disasters are characterized by high levels and varying duration from several seconds and minutes (earthquakes, avalanches, limnological catastrophe) up to several hours (sat), days (landslides) and months (floods).
Dear Ben, Thank you for your letter. It is nice to hear from you again. I’d like to tell to you about some of my favorite books. I enjoy reading and I hope if you read Harry Potter you’ll enjoy it too. Harry Potter is a series of books that don’t ever get boring! I suggest you read them! Then, my favorite film is Charlie and the chocolate factory. It is very interesting. One of the main characters is played by Johnny Depp. I think he’s a great actor. I’d advise you to read books and watch films that have the best ratings and are popular amongst other teens.
In the hall of this school must located comfortable sofas for sitting and also on the walls must be located the big mirrors .In classrooms must have comfortable chairs and desks.
In the dining room should be prepared quality food. Also in the ideal school should be the ideal teachers who would be interesting taught.
Here's my ideal school.