1)The bus stop is not far from here. - Present Simple от инфинитива to be
2)Several Moscow University physicists work at this problem. - Present Simple от инфинитива to work
3)this student first came to Moscow in 1985. - Past Simple от инфинитива to come
4)In a few days she will leave for Paris.- Future Simple от инфинитива to leave
5)He is writing his test program now. - Present Continuous от инфинитива to write
6)Have you bought the new software?- Present Perfect от инфинитива to buy
7)We shall be translating this text for two hours.- Future Continuous от инфинитива to translate
8)We had studied much defore we wrote our own programs.- Past Perfect от инфинитива to study
9)They will have got the results of new devices tests by summer. - Future Perfect от инфинитива to get
10)I have been waiting for you since 10 a.m.- Present Perfect Continuous от инфинитива to wait
1. Would you like to come and see it with me this saturday? Хочешь пойти со мной и посмотреть его в субботу?
2/ I'd love to see a film - but I hate Bruce Willis sorry! - Я бы хотел посмотреть фильм, но я ненавижу Брюса Виллиса.
There is an exhibition on at the scinse Museum about computers, it shows enteresting things. -
В Музее науки проходит выставка о компьютерах, там показывают интересные вещи.
We can go after school, but it closes early. - Мы можем пойти туда после школы, но она закрывается рано.