Obviously air is essential for every life being on our planet — for people, animals and plants. Without air no life on Earth could exist. But today we face one urgent problem — the industry keeps on developing and it results in air pollution. There are so many factories around that exhaust wastes into the air.If you live in city you have certainly noticed how hard it is to breath sometimes. This happens because of huge amount of cars and their exhausts. In some countries there is even a law that allows families to have only one car to reduce the amount of harmful substances that they throw into the air.Why is air pollution so dangerous? Of course the first reason is that we need fresh air to breathe. Another reason is greenhouse effect. Around the Earth we have an ozon layer which saves us from the harmful effect of ultraviolet radiation. All the wastes we throw into the air destroy the ozon layer and more radiation penetrates into the atmosphere. Consequently, the air becomes hotter and this is called greenhouse effect which results in global warming. Why is global warming dangerous? It causes ice to melt and this can lead to world flood.
можно лучший ответ
Проблема : загрещнегие
Now our world in big dangered!
(ПРО воздух)
A lot of gurbage taking away from area, a lot of Harmful gases, engine gases, evaporation and exhaust through pipes from factories.
(ПРО землю) : Every thrown candy wrapper, or purges, already pollutes the earth. We don’t even notice how we throw it away, throw it away and throw away the garbage. Is it really that hard to get to the trash?
(ПРО воду): A huge amount of garbage is thrown into the water. Waste from factories, water supply - all this goes to the seas, oceans and rivers. Marine residents die from poisoning the same garbage.
Do not litter the planet, support the environment!
Готово ✌
The 1960s fashion clothing truly was changed (changed) the way men and women dressed.
Big and bright frowers saw (were seen) on dresses and even skirts.
The hippy culture definitely was staring (started) in the 1960s.
Headscarves and headbands used (were used) to complete the look.
Women all over the world are fond of mini skirts which were inventing (invented) by Mary auant in the 1960s.
She popularizes (popularized) many sixties style clothes.
One of them was skiny jeans :she first wearning (wore) them in the film funny face ,but they soon became a must in every wardrobe.
Mini dresses also play (played) a significant role in the 1960s fashion history.
New materials were using (used) to create seeing in strips or polka dot patterns .
Footwear also has (had) in important part to play in the 1960s fashion clothing.
Women loved to wear the kitten hello ,also, knee-high boots that women were worn (wore) with dresses were a hit back in the 1960s.