Does Nina come to college at 7.45? When does Nina come to college? Does Nina come to college at 7.45 or at 9.00? Nina comes to college at 7.45? does not she?
1. Scientists (признаком множественного числа имени существительного) agree that America's (показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного) native Indian population came from Siberia. 2. The word "computer" comes (показателем 3-ого лица единственного числа глагола Present Simple) from a Latin word which means (показателем 3-ого лица единственного числа глагола Present Simple) count. 3. Only humans (признаком множественного числа имени существительного) and some primates (признаком множественного числа имени существительного) enjoy colour vision. 1. Ученые согласны, что исконные индейские жители Америки родом из Сибири. 2. Слово "компьютер" происходит от латинского слова, которое означает "считать". 3. Лишь люди и некоторые из приматов обладают зрением в цвете.
His name is David. David is from Australia~ He is a little boy. My cousin is four. David likes to play hideand.;.seek. But he doesn`t want to read books. Every Sunday we go to the park to ride a bicycle. Yesterday we played football at ·. the school sports-ground. Now my cousin and I play with a ball in the yard . . 1. What the cousin's name is? 2. Where David is from? 3. How old the boy is? 4. What game David likes to play? · 5. What he doesn`t want to do? 6. Where they go every Sunday? 7. What they do in the park? 8. Where David and his cousin go yes- . terday? 'TifE.pAsT INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) TENSE 25 9. What they do at the school sports .. ground? . 10. What David do now? 11. What David's cousin do now?
When does Nina come to college?
Does Nina come to college at 7.45 or at 9.00?
Nina comes to college at 7.45? does not she?