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19.09.2022 09:47 •  Английский язык

Жду сегодня ! нужно кто нибудь отзовитесь сегодня надо ! 1. раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму в past simple. 1) when i in manchester, i in a bank. (live, work) 2) the police me on my way home last night. (stop) 3) what you at the week-end? (do) 4) i enough money to buy anything to eat. (not have) 5) we all the party at 10 p.m. (leave) 6) i the party very much. (enjoy) 7) when mr edward (die) 8) they come because they very busy. (not be able to, be) 9) she her exams because she very hard. (pass, study) 10) yesterday i to birmingham to see a friend of mine. (go) 2. раcкройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму страдательного залога. 1) the house in 1930. (build) 2) the new hotel next year. (open) 3) if you kicked a policeman, you would (arrest) 4) many accidents by dangerous driving. (cause) 5) during the night we by a noise. (wake up) 6) her new novel probably into a number of foreign languages. (translate) 7) i often to parties. (not invite) 8) his car last year. (not use) 9) how word (pronounce) 10) i think this dish by children. (not eat) 3. вставьте by или with. 1) this sweater was knit my grandmother. 2) have you ever been bitten a dog? 3) the cheese was grated a grater. 4) the paper was cut a pair of scissors. 5) the task was given our boss. 6) the poem is written a pencil. 7) this tower was damaged strong tornado last year. 8) these windows were broken a stone. 9) the novel will be written a new author. 10) the tree has just been broken that car. выберите правильный вариант. 1. which is best hotel in this town? a) a b) the c) – d) most 2. my dictionary is on top shelf on right. a) the, the b) a, a c) the, – d) -, - 3. do you want apple or banana? a) a, a b) the, the c) an, a d) -, - 4. there was interesting program on tv last night. a) the, - b) an, - c) -, the d) an, the 5. i’ve got good idea. a) - b) any c) the d) a 6. i don’t like coffee without milk. a) -, a b) a, - c) the, the d) 7. don’t buy rice. we don’t need a) any b) him c) some d) one 8. i’m thirsty. can i have water, please? a) any b) a c) some d) – 9. do you know kalahari desert is? a) a b) an c) the d) – 10. italian is a very beautiful language. a) the b) an c) a d) – 11. i have known simpsons for long time. they are good people. a) -, a, - b) the, a , - c) the, -, - d) -, a, the 12. spaniards talk rather quickly and expressively. a) - b) an c) a d) the 13. he is at loss when it comes to his son. a) the b) a c) an d) – 14. you won’t go to the night club. it is out of question. a) the b) a c) - d) an 15. it was love at first sight. a) - , - b) the , the c) a, a d) -, the 16. there is a gentleman in the hall wants to see you. a) who b) whose c) which d) whom 17.the book is on the desk is not hers. a) whose b) who c) which d) what 18. it’s the most interesting film i have ever seen. a) who b) that c) what d) whom 19. i could see him through the key a) whole b) hall c) holl d) hole 20. i stopped buy some milk. a) two b) too c) tow d) to 21. which of the following words is odd? a) clever b) stupid c) intelligent d) witty 22. which of the following words is odd? a) polite b) kind c) well-mannered d) rude 23. i don’t like they always mock someone or something. a) mockers b) mockors c) mockists d) mocksion 24. find the best translation for the sentence: «как насчет того, чтобы пойти в кино? » a) how for going to the cinema? b) how of going to the cinema? c) how as for going to the cinema? d) how about going to the cinema? 25. i to escape from prison but he a) tryed, not managed b) tried, wasn’t manage c) tried, didn’t manage d) tried, didn’t managed 26. rewrite the following statement into a question. – “she saw mr parker in the park the other day.” a) who did she saw in the park the other day? b) who she saw in the park the other day? c) who did she see in the park the other day? d) who saw she in the park the other day? 27. the text yesterday but it tomorrow. a) wasn’t translated, will translated b) wasn’t translated, will be translated c) didn’t translated, will do translated d) wasn’t translating, will be translating 28. why their child after by a babysitter? a) is looked b) looked is c) is looking d) is look 29. his hand was bandaged a braid. a) by b) in c) from d) with 30. the dress was ironed my sister. a) with b) from c) by d) on

1) lived, worked
2) stoped
3) did you do
4) didnt have
5) left
6) enjoyed
7) did die
8) weren't able to, were
9) passed, studied
10) went

1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. d
7. d
8. c
9. c
10. d
11. b
13. a
14 c
15. d
16. a
17. c
18. b
19. a
20. d
21. b
22. d
24. d
25. c
26. c
27. b
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Было уже поздно, когда близнецы с бабушкой и дедушкой добрались до Крикхауэлла. - Дедушка покажет вам вашу комнату, мальчики, - сказала бабушка. - Ужин будет на столе через несколько минут. "

- Пахнет замечательно, - сказал Джо, когда они вошли на кухню.

- Что ты готовишь?"

-"Коул мамгу" - ответила бабушка. - Это по-валлийски "бабушкин суп". Это суп из лука порея.

- Ты очень тихий, Дэниел, - сказал дедушка Томпсон.- С тобой все в порядке?" - Да, я в порядке. "

- У нас большие планы на завтра, - сказал дедушка Томпсон. Мы хотим утром поехать в Брекон-Биконс и поехать по железной дороге Брекон-Маунтин. А днем мы собираемся устроить пикник в замке Кэрфилли. "


2.asked Daniel if he all right

3.cawl mamgu (Grandma's soup)

4.very quiet

5.to drive to the Brecon Beacons

6.have a picnic at Caerphilly Castle

4,8(2 оценок)
Sometimes when people get a free minute, they eat the rest of the nature, can in another city ... And I, if it can be called "tradition" every month somewhere traveled. In December, I went snowboarding in January and February did Similar Containers, where winter is no longer so and not otdohnёsh.Nastupila Spring, then the problems began ... The rain, storm ... That's why we decided to go on the nature and tent to look at the beautiful phenomenon prirody.Leto - not even to talk about it than about the most wonderful time of the year! Do what you want, walk, swim, ed .. on the nature autumn begins school, on this as soon as possible on a Sunday which is not a long time to go to his grandmother naprimer.No know without making lessons on Saturday to Monday, for a long time you have grandma is not in accordance with GOST ...
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