7.18 слушайте, как кто-то говорит о проблеме мусора
в городах и поселках, и отвечайте на вопросы.
1 Почему мусор становится 2 Как это происходит 3 что мы можем
сделать большой проблемой?
повлиять на нашу жизнь?
Написание (эссе, предлагающее решение проблемы) (перевод)
1. due to the commodity growth of the production of disposable items, we can use them once more we do not need them
2. because of uselessness, we throw these things awaу
3.we can use only those things that can be reworked, or that can be used for a long time
Task 1
2) fast
4) noisy
5) expensive
Task 2.
1) нет правильного варианта
Task 3.
My favourite gadget is a computer.
My parents bought the computer for my birthday and I was too happy. It can help my in different situation. When I do my homework I use it to find different information. And finally when I have free time I play the computer games. So it can help you to educate and to relax. Sometimes computer can lag but it's not big problem.
Task 4
Travelling is one of the most pleasant pastimes for me. I love seeing new places, meeting new people and learning about other cultures. There are many ways to travel, for example, by train, by plane, by bus, by car, by ship.
I prefer travelling by car, because it gives the freedom of movement. You can stop whenever you want and wherever you want just to admire the beauty of nature. Travelling by car opens plenty of opportunities from the comfort of your seat. I usually travel with my parents. My dad is an excellent driver and he likes stopping by some nice places on the way.