Австралия-государство в Южном полушарии, занимающее материк Австралия, остров Тасмания и несколько других островов Индийского и Тихого океанов. Австралия является одной из развитых стран, являясь тринадцатой по размеру экономикой в мире. Столицей Австралии является Каенберра. Климат влажный, тропически. Разнообразные виды растительного и животного мира. Самыми яркими представителями флоры являются: эвкалипт, казуарины, травяные деревья. Представители необычной фауны: утконос, ехидна, кенгуру, коалы, динговерблюды, кролики, страусы. Большинство населения австралии папуасы. Густонаселенными городами являются: Сидней и Мельбурн.
1. Danil said, “We’re having an environmental awareness day at school tomorrow.” Danil said that they were having an environmental awareness day at school the next day 2. I said, “I run in the park every day.” I said that i ran in the park every day 3. John said, “Did you read the paragraph?” John asked if i had read the paragraph 4.Michael said, “Will you go to school or stay at home?” Michael asked if i would go to school or stay at home 5. I asked, “Who wrote the letter?” I asked who had written the letter 6. Helena asked, “Why has she written this article?” Helen asked why she had written that article 7. Poly asked, “Who goes to the theatre?” Poly asked who went to the theatre 8. Father said to me, “Don’t be late.” Father said to me not to be late 9. Mother said, “Go to the shop and buy some milk.” Mother said to me to go to the shop and buy some milk 10. Nick said, “I can give you a good example.” Nick said that he could give me a good example
1) Is Father's Day celebrated by the nation?
Is Father's or Mother's Day celebrated by the nation?
Whom is Father's Day celebrated by?
What Day is celebrated by the nation?
Father's Day is celebrated by the nation, isn't it?
2) Was Father's Day started in the twentieth century?
Was Father's Day started in the 20th or 19th century?
When was Father's Day started?
What Day was started in the twentieth century?
Father's Day was started in the twentieth century, wasn't it?