-Мама, можно я поеду с друзьями купаться завтра? - Нет, конечно. Ты забыла? Мы собираемся ехать на дачу. - Как опять? Мама! Это невозможно! мы ездим на дачу каждые выходные! Я хочу встретиться с друзьями. - Встречайся в будние дни. - Но ты не разрешаешь. Ты говоришь, что я должна учить уроки. - И это правильно. Хватить рассуждать. Иди и собери вещи для завтрашней поездки. - Кошмар!
- Mom, may I go with friends to swim tomorrow? - Of course, no. have you forgotten? We're going to go to the dacha tomorrow morning. - How again? Mom! It's impossible! We go to the dacha every weekend! I want to meet my friends. - well, you may go out on weekdays. - But you don't allowed. You qare always saying that I should do my homework. - And it's quite right. Enough to talk. Go and collect things for tomorrow trip. - Nightmare!
Russia is in Europe and Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Washington is in America. Washington is the capital of the USA. Ottawa is in Canada. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Canada is in America. Algiers is in Africa. Alsiers is the capital of Alsiers. Chile is in America. Santiago is the capital of Chile. Kiev is in the Ukraine. Kiev is in Europe. Kiev is the capital of the Ukraine. Warsaw is the capital of Poland. Poland is in Europe. Ulan Bator is the capital of Mongolia. Mongolia is in Asia. Lithuania is in Europe. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Turkey is in Asia. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. China is in Asia. Benjian is the capital of China. Japan is in Asia. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Belorussia is in Europe. Minsk is the capital of Belorussia . Finland is in Europe. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Germany is in Europe. Berlin is the capital of Germany.