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Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets. e.g. i __’ve (know) samuel for ten years. question and answer with the singer chloe q: where (1) (you/come) from? a: i’m originally from ireland, i (2) (be born) in dublin but i (3) (move) to liverpool in england at the age of 12 and we (4) (live) there for the next 3 years before moving to london. q: your hair is very short. (5) (ever / have) long hair? a: yes, when i was young. now i (6) (plan) to grow it long again. q: (7) (like) shopping? a: yes, especially for clothes. i (8) (just / buy) a new armani evening dress. q: what (9) (you/wear) when you’re at home? a: jeans and a tee-shirt. q: and what (10) (you/wear) today? a: black trousers and a white shirt. this afternoon i (11) to open a new school. q: and your boyfriend, pete turner. how long (12) (you / go) out together? a: we (13) (be) together for two years now. q: and what are your plans for the future? a: well, next year i (14) (do) a tour of the usa. and i (15) (like) to get into film work, to become an actress. q: good luck! and thank you for speaking to us today.

 I have knownn Samuel for ten years.
Question and Answer with the singer CHLOEQ: Where do you come from?A: I’m originally from Ireland, I was born in Dublin but I moved to Liverpool in England at the age of 12 and we have been living here for there for the next 3 years before moving to London.Q: Your hair is very short. Have you ever had long hair?A: Yes, when I was young. Now I'm planning to grow it long again.Q: Do you like shopping?A: Yes, especially for clothes. I've just bought a new Armani evening dress.Q: Whatdo you wear when you’re at home?A: Jeans and a tee-shirt.Q: And what are you wearing today?A: Black trousers and a white shirt. This afternoon I'm planning to open a new school.Q: And your boyfriend, Pete Turner. How long do you go out together?A: We are together for two years now.Q: And what are your plans for the future?A: Well, next year I'll do a tour of the USA. And I would like to get into film work, to become an actress.Q: Good luck! And thank you for speaking to us today.
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"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" - one of the most interesting books. The protagonist of this book won the hearts of children all over the world. The book is written by Mark Twain more than a hundred years, and Tom is a favorite literary hero of today's children. What attracts us to this boy?

"Tom was not еxemplary a boy who would be proud of the whole city" - Mark Twain wrote. Aunt Polly says Tome, that "he is a mere imp," though she loves her nephew too. "More than anything, he hated to work." But he was not lazy.

Just Tom realized that "work is what we must do," in contrast to the game. Tom loved the freedom and  he  has an opinion that all responsibilities  are  boring always.  So Tom  contrived to get into trouble at all times and in all    places.

Tom is intelligent and resourceful. He found a way to turn a boring job in the game, and the boys happily whitewashed fence for him. He is a bold and observant. Tom is not afraid of getting lost in a cave or go to the cemetery at night.

Although Tom always does things for which he is punished, I don't blame him. He is an honest and good "about" Sid. I would like to have a friend like Tom.
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Давным-давно в крымском поселке были проблемы с водой, поэтому мужчины выкопали семь колодцев, откуда местные жители стали брать воду.

Однажды главой поселка выбрали немца. Он был мудрым человеком и предложил людям брать воду бесплатно. Все были счастливы, что могут брать воды, сколько нужно.

У этого немца было 7 сыновей. Самый младший, по имени Фриц, был самым здоровым и сильным в семье. Еще в детстве он заметил, что когда из колодцев набирали воду, она расплескивалась по земле. Это не понравилось Фрицу, и он сказал отцу однажды: «Когда я вырасту, я потребую, чтобы жители поселка платили за воду из колодцев. Они выплескивают слишком много воды на землю». «О, нет! - сказал отец. - Вода - самая ценная вещь на этой земле. Она должна быть бесплатной».

несколько лет. Старый немец умер. Затем один за другим шесть его сыновей умерли от какой-то болезни, и главой поселка назначили Фрица. Он немедленно сделал то, что хотел: сказал жителям деревни, что с этого дня они должны платить за воду из колодцев. Все колодцы были заперты на замки, а ключи были у Фрица.

Однажды жители решили восстать против Фрица, потому что он сказал им, что они не получат воды в течение одного дня.

В поселок пришел старый солдат. Он был уставшим, ему хотелось пить и он попросил чистой воды. Фриц отказал ему, потому что у солдата не было денег, чтобы заплатить за воду. Солдат умолял Фрица о но всё напрасно. Когда солдат умирал, он проклял Фрица.

После его смерти один из колодцев открыли, но вода ушла из него. Когда слуга Фрица открыл остальные шесть колодцев и не нашел воды, он рассказал об этом своему хозяину. Фриц пришел в ярость. Таким образом, он был наказан за свою жестокость.

5. Пересказ

It was a long time ago. The head of our village was a wise man who let us have water from our seven wells for free. We all were happy. But then he died, and six of his sons died too, so his youngest son - Fritz was his name - became the head of our village. He was a greedy man. He made us pay for the water! And he told his servants to lock the wells and then kept the keys himself.

We couldn't do anything and decided to rebel against Fritz... Then an old soldier came to our village and asked for water. He was tired and thirsty, but this poor man didn't have any money. He begged Fritz, but it was all in vain. The soldier died, but before that he cursed Fritz. That's how the water disappeared from our wells.

1) Where in the world are there great problems with water? ответ смотрите на фото ниже (water scarcity - нехватка воды, красным и желто-зеленым показаны регионы, где не хватает воды)

2) How can people solve these problems?

People can use solar power to purify water, use software to detect leaks from water pipelines, save water by cutting down shower time and reducing water wastage. (Люди могут использовать солнечную энергию для очистки воды, использовать программное обеспечение для обнаружения утечек из водопроводов, экономить воду, сокращая пребывание под душем и уменьшая потери воды.)

Long-long ago in the crimean village there were problems with water. so, the men dug seven wells tha
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