Distance learning
Distance learning is the most demanded thing in realities of our time. In conditions of pandemics it's the best way to get new knowledges and to prevent spreading of the virus. The idea of distance learning has been incarnated too slowly, but the quarantine made the progress go faster and now all over the world introduced distance learning. Many apps and sites give their subscriptions and paid acess to nicer our time at home.Due with influx of users it became clear, that the distance learning didn't ready to use , and that the system needs to be upgraded to withstand all the users. Online educational portals must be more and with completely free content. Even better if it will be one general portal, satisfying all students and teachers needs.In conclusion, we must remember, that everything is our hands. It has never been so easy to help the world.
Hi Lucy!
This is Azizo.
How are you? My business is going great!
I recently discovered a new hobby: tennis. I love sports in general, and I also liked this active kind of sport. I go to a tennis club, and after classes I play this game sport with friends. At the moment this is what I want to do, this is my hobby!
I am really looking forward to your visit to my country, I hope you will arrive soon!
With love.
Привет Люси! Это Азизо. Как ты поживаешь? Мои дела идут прекрассно! Недавно я открыл для себя новое увлечение : тенис. Я люблю спорт в общем, и этот активный его вид мне тоже пришёлся по вкусу. Я хожу на кружок по тенису, а после занитий играю с друзьями в этот игровой вид спорта. На данный момент это то чем я хочу заниматься, это мое увлечение! Я очень жду тебя в гости в мою страну, надеюсь скоро прилетишь! С любовью. Азизо