Отгадать. это шарада. должно получиться существительное. заранее . my first is “going very fast”. my second is a preposition meaning “around”. on the whole i mean a small car or a plane.
Hi, my name is Olivia. I live in Russia. Where you live? I have a younger brother. His name is David. My mother's name is Tatev and Dad Garik. My mom did notIt works, and the Pope has his own business. My brother goes to sports and to the garden. I play the piano. I have 2 brothers and a sister dvayurodnyh. Their name is Alex, Max and Laura. Of these, I'm the eldest. I am 11 years old. I almost forgot. I am studying in class 6 b in Dubkovsky Friendship School. And where do you learn? Waiting early reply. Till. Olivia.
I love my parents. they usually help me to solve problams, of course sometimes i think i hate them. But it is not true, they are my family, the most close people, that i have. I usually do crazy things and sometimes I have bad mark, they are nervous because of this, but after a periout of time, I do understand, that they just want me to be clever. I don`t really like Brad Pitt as you. Of course many people are really his fans, but not actually I. Do you a Brad`s fan? What films do you like? How often you visit cinema? Не благодари =)