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were not taken
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was not given
are checked
were not developed
was not needed
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АнонимАнглийский язык16 ноября 23:31
Составите 10 предложений с неправильными глаголами в времени на английском с переводом
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Суханова Евгения
1. I came home late yesterday. Я вчера домой пришел поздно.
2. He wrote many letters to his pen-friend. Он написал много писем своему другу по переписке.
3. She read this book some days ago. Она прочитала эту книгу несколько дней назад.
4. We went to the country last week. На неделе мы ездили в деревню.
5. He broke his leg in the yard. Он поломал ногу во дворе.
6. A girl sang this song better than her sister. Девочка спела эту песню лучше, чем ее сестра.
7. My grandmother was born in 1950. Моя бабушка родилась в 1950 году.
8. We built our house five years ago. Мы построили наш дом пять лет назад.
9. My mother bought a new dress for summer. Моя мама купила новое платье на лето.
10. They did their homework in time. Они вовремя сделали домашнее задание.
They flew to Athens last week.
На неделе они летали в Афины.
Our teacher told us about animals at the last lesson.
Наш учитель рассказывал нам о животных на последнем уроке.
The children were at zoo last Sunday.
Дети были в зоопарке в воскресенье.
I met him many years ago
Я видел его много лет назад
You spoke to her yesterday.
Ты разговаривал с ней вчера
We were very tired yesterday.
Мы очень устали вчера
Henry bought this bike a year ago
Генри купил свой мотоцикл год тому назад
Our lesson began fifteen minutes ago
Наш урок начался пятнадцать минут назад
Helen forgot about the meeting.
Хелен забыла о встрече.
We saw the UFO in the sky
Мы видели НЛО в небе
Vitamin C was discovered in 1747.
Toothbrushes were invented by the Chinese.
The people were not taken to hospital after the accident.
A new medical centre was opened in my town last year.
A lot of remedies are made from plants.
I am/was not given any medicine at the hospital.
My teeth are checked twice a year.
Vaccinations were not developed until the 18th century.
I called for an ambulance but it was not needed.