I want to tell about extreme sports . Exteme sportsare becoming more and more popular. Some people say that they can't imagine their lives without them. However, others don't understand what compels some individual to extreme sports.. In my opinion , extreme sports give one a wonderful opportunity to release stress, To escape everyday monotony and to get his portion of adrenaline. it makes people feel strong and alive. What is more , it is also an unusual way of losing weight and keeping fit.
But some people think that taking up the extreme lifestyle is crasy as it often involves a high level of danger.
To sum up, it's up to you dicide whether to risk your life or not. Some extrme activities are so dangerous that people compare them with virtual suicide. You should always remember that your life and your health are the most important things.
Winter sports are played in winter. They are really fun! Children usually play sledding, skiing and iceskating. The funnest is sledding. It is nice to slide down a hill really fast. It is even funner if you slide down with someone on a sled. Winter sports can be dangerous. When you play them you need to be very carefull. I like winter sports!
Зимние виды спорта играют зимой. В них очень весело играть. Дети обычно на санках, на лыжах или на коньках. Интереснее всего кататься на санках. Приятно сьехать с горы на большой скорости. Ище более интерестно кататься с кем-то на санках. Зимние виды спорта могут быть очень опасными. Когда ты в них играешь надо быть очень осторожными. Я люблю зимние виды спорта!
В этих предложениях вс глаголами являются следующие:
1) do
2) can
3) did
4) will