Study - изучение, various - разные, indicate - указать, use - использовать, closely - близко, associate - ассоциировать, include - включать, whole - все (весь), knowledge - знания, concern - беспокойство(забота), apply - подавать заявку, plant - растение, operate- работать (оперировать), different - разные, examine - иследовать (рассматривать), development - усовершенствование, change - сменить,
occur - происходить (случатся), structure - состав (конструкция), function - функция
biological sciences - биологические науки, living organism - живой организм, human anatomy - человеческая анастомия, human body - человеческое тело, various organs - различные органы, human cadaver - человеческий труп, very early - очень рано, whole field - все поле, vital activity -жизнедеятельность, diseased organism - больной организм.
human anatomy, food supply, (new science, scientific statement, closely connected, inner process, branch science
Головной мозг - brain, сердце-heart, легкие - lungs, кровь - blood, кости - bones, спинной мозг- spinal cords, мышцы- muscles, почки - kidnays, кровообращение- blood circulation, желудок -stomach, пищеварение - digestion, питательные вещества - nutrients, моча - urine, газообмен - gas exchange, кислород - oxygen, печень - liver, желчь- bile
2) Plenty of food is thrown away every day.
3) She changes furniture every 2 years.
4) Do they sell rare books?
5) He has got a very expensive italian suit, isn't he?
6) Collectors often buy ancient things such as really old spoons.
7) And then the fire was everywhere.
8) Fire brigade came in 3 minutes.
9) The chairman was appointed a few days ago.
10) Medicines should be kept out of the reach of children.
11) Security personnel successfully prevented the accident.
12) Has he had job offers recently?
13) Just few people survived.
14) In my opinion, this place is fascinating.
15) Have you seen any customers there?
16) Is this dress of high quality?
17) I'm fond of his autumn collection.