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22.03.2020 17:28 •  Английский язык

Как по будет аптека, супермаркет, газетно-журнальный, булочный, продуктовый и магазин игрушек будут?

Chermist's, supermarket, newsagent's,baker's,greengrocer's, toy shop.(правильно 100% я диктант на 5 по пятибальной системе написала!
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ответ:My Vacation Мой отпуск

I like spending my holidays actively. My favourite time for the vacation is summer because it’s warm and sunny. It’s a good time for the seaside holiday. Мне нравится проводить свой отпуск активно. /Мое любимое время для отпуска – это лето, потому что тепло и солнечно. Это хорошее время для отдыха на море.

This year together with my older sister we’ve been to Crimea. There are lots of beautiful cities and sights there but we chose to stay in a small village near Feodosia. We were hosted by a nice family of my sister’s friend. Nature is very welcoming in this area and the sea is amazingly beautiful. There are many forests, meadows, rivers, lakes, mountains, vineyards, gardens and parks. What I really liked was that the mountains weren’t so high but they were picturesque. When you go up the mountains a marvelous view opens up. I also liked the view of vineyards stretched in neat rows and full of ripe grapes. The climate is mostly dry and hot. Morning and evening winds can get rather cold but afternoons are so hot that it’s almost impossible to walk barefoot./В этом году вместе с моей старшей сестрой мы побывали в Крыму. Там есть много красивых городов и достопримечательностей, но мы решили остановиться в небольшой деревне недалеко от Феодосии. Нас тепло приняла семья подруги моей сестры. В этой области природа очень приветлива и море удивительно красивое. Там многочисленные леса, луга, реки, озера, горы, виноградники, сады и парки. Что мне действительно понравилось, так это то, что горы не особо высоки, но они живописны. Поднявшись в гору можно увидеть прекрасный вид. Мне также понравились виноградники, протянувшиеся ровными рядами и полные спелого винограда. Климат в основном сухой и жаркий. В утренние и вечерние часы ветра могут быть довольно холодными, но днем так жарко, что почти невозможно ходить босиком.

The best place to be when it gets hot is by the sea. Its coolness is soothing. Lying under the sun and swimming in the sea are my favourite activities while on vacation. /Лучшее место, где стоит бывать, когда становится очень жарко, это у моря. Его прохлада успокаивает. Лежание под солнцем и купание в море мои любимые занятия во время отпуска.


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Kennedy chose to make her successor's weaknesses her own.

strengths. Perhaps the new woman - she never spoke her name - was a tigress in

bed; perhaps she was an intellectual giant; perhaps she flattered him more than

Debbie did. But Debbie cooked better than her anyway, Debbie took him

children from school and royally entertained them while the new woman was still in

Work. Debbie regularly entertained her husband's mother when the new woman

there is neither time nor desire to do this. Debbie slyly arranged for Tina to win.

two thoroughbred kittens in a competition when she found out that a new woman was allergic

cats, and Debbie took them out for Tina.

“It looks like hard work,” Helen said, full of admiration.

“It's very hard work,” Debbie agreed. “But then I was like you, I didn't think

the day will come when I can live without him. ""Could you now?"

“Oh yes, I really could. Now he really tires me. Not completely, but a little.

He's very predictable. You would know right away how he would react. I never

thought the day would come ... "

“So, if you're above him, why don't you bow down? Live your life? »Helen


"I can not now. I have too many other people that I love and who love me. I have

his mother; she never really loved me during her marriage, but I kind of like

an angel compared to a new woman. "

"But of course ..."

“No, I can't leave her, she never hurt anyone. She did not quit

me and divorced me, her son did. And I love girls. And there are cats. I just

organized them out of spite, but now I love them. I couldn't move anywhere

and leave them when they have completed their task.“And the garden: I realized that the secret is to do the minimum, but

give the children a flower bed, and I work on them secretly and feed them

they plant, so they think it is their own work. This is life, Helen, and I didn't have a life

the day he said he was leaving. "

"But he's not at the center of everything?"

"No, not now. He was when I needed it. Everything I did, I did with

kind of revenge, and that gave me a purpose for my day. "

“I don't think I can do it. I mean it's not as if it were ready

a family. There is only a big bump and a terrible nineteen-year-old guy, and he does not have

Mom, and the cat thing won't work.

“The point is, either get out of its orbit completely. When will you be back to work? "

"Next week."

“Okay, if you want, I’ll ask the girls and grandmother to help you unpack your things tomorrow.

It is much better when there are several people. We will do a lot in an hour and

half…""But I can not".

“Of course you can, and when you get back to work, start gardening.

the consignment. Invite all your colleagues to lunch, tell them that in return for two hours

gardening, they'll have a great picnic. Rent a giant goat for the day. I will tell

what to tell them to plant and what to weed. "

“But I have not yet decided which path to take; is it worth wading back

into Harry's life or not.

“You still need to unpack and clean up the messy garden,” Debbie said.

They will no longer talk about plans and strategies. From now on they will not

one must refer to the despair of one and the cunning of the other. how

the curtains on the windows were drawn, the china was unpacked on the shelves and

into the wardrobes, and the garden took shape, their life went on. Helen will

make friends again. She started out with her bank colleagues looking

she changed after they saw her host a wonderful gardening party.

Debbie's surrogate family will never know she originally loved them as an act

to sweep. It was good that such solidarity was established on a summer evening.

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