1 Spring is Japanese people’s favourite time of year. True (The Japanese celebrate this happy time with festivals and flower-viewing parties). 2. It is not easy to know the day the cherry flowers will open. True (Starting in February, weathermen try to guess when this day will be). 3. Hanami takes place a week after the cherry trees blossom. True (Cherry blossoms appear on trees for only one week before they fall to the ground and die). 4. The cherry flowers do not stay on the trees for very long. True (Cherry blossoms appear on trees for only one week before they fall to the ground and die). 5. When the cherry flowers appear, people hope for long lives. True (For the Japanese this symbolises the short nature of childhood and life).
Yesterday i went to the cinema.Вчера я была в кино. I go for a walk with my friends every day.Я гуляю с друзьями каждый день. My mother doesn't like an ice-cream.Моя мама не любит мороженое. Jone often reads books.Джон часто читает книги. Ann loves to cook pie.Анна любит готовить пирог. Mike plays football every weekend.Майк играет в футбол каждый выходной. My grandfather watches TV with grandmother very often.Мой дедушка смотрит телевизор с бабушкой очень часто. The weather today is good.Сегодня хорошая погода. Two years ago she played computer games.Два года назад она играла в компьютерные игры. My brother studied at school three years ago.Мой брат окончил школу три года назад. I learnt English last Sunday.Я изучала английский в воскресенье.