Страдательный залог, при котором предмет сам выполняет действие. Например:
I write letter everyday.
Я пишу письмо каждый день (Active Voice,т.к я выполняю это действие)
A letter is written by me. (Passive Voice, тоесть письмо написано мною)
Отсюда следует правило:
Subject+to be+ V3
В зависимости от времени, если Present Simple (is/am/are), Past Simple (was/were) Future Simple (will be+V3) Modal Verbs (might be, should be, must be, can be) и т.д
Вот еще примеры:
I sent a video yesterday
The video was sent by me yesterday
They will do homework tomorrow
Homework will be done by them tomorrow.
Every day he tells us something interesting.
2 He is told something interesting every day.
3 I often send letters to my friends.
4 I'm often sent to the South.
5 I always praise my friends.
6 I'm always praised at home.
7 Every Saturday Dad shows my marks to Grandpa.
8 Every Saturday my marks are shown to Dad.
9. We often remember/recallect you.
10 We are often remembered in the village.
11 I'm given some juice every morning.
12 Every morning I give some milk to the cat.
13 I'm often invited to the cinema.
14 My sister is often helped at school.
15 I sometimes forget to take the diary.
16 He writes a lot of letters.
17 A. Christy's books are read with interest.
18 Dogs like bones.
19 Dogs are loved in many families.
20 When is tea drunk in your family?
21 Where are the old letters kept?
22 Why are these rules always forgotten?
23 Why do you always forget these rules?
24 Where do your friends live?
25 Where is bread bought?
26 When are the questions asked?