Complete the questions with do or does. 1) this bus go to the shopping centre? 2) this shop open on sundays? 3) your sister work in that shoe shop& 4)which supermarket you usually shop at? 5) your parents like shopping there?
Be a teenager is not easy. Sometimes I feel insecure and it's hard just be yourself.
In my school has a large requirement to act in a certain way, look certain way and nositpravilnuyu clothing. I want to please others. And I like to look good. But I feel it's important to be healthy, play sports and eat right. I do not want to hurt himself or his body.
My best friend, my mom helps me when I feel insecure.
If you have at least someone who loves you, though it makes you care currently. Need to believe that there is something you stand. And my first job helped too. I
felt itself as an independent, and I felt that I had a purpose. It was an amazing
feeling. For me it is important to remind myself that I should not be