I like holidays, and especially New Year. This holiday means new begining not only the year, but and new begining of the life. I celebrate this holiday with my family, sometimes we are going to the park or to our relatives. At night we let fireworks, then, at home we eat very tasty food and watching tv.
1)I hope he will recover soon. 2) I take a shower every day. 3) Hvae You ever seen a crocodile? 4) At present they are building a summer cottage. 5) -Where is Dad? -He is in the garden. He has been planting tomatoes since 8 o'clock. 6) I will be playing volleyball with my classmates at 10 o'clock tomorrow. 7) He will have translated all the text by last Monday. 8) This sportsman won a golden medal in 2006. 9)He was watching cartoons the whole evening yesterday. 10) She will have painted this picture by next Saturday. 11) He came in when the teacher was speaking. 12) We will have only a small private income on which to live until I qualify as a doctor.
Early in this country, there were tens of thousands tigers. At night people were afraid to move away from the lights far away, so as not to become a tasty morsel for the tiger. Is the fault of the person that a greater number of tigers turned into cannibals. Often the bullet did not immediately kill the animal, but only wounded him. Wounded and weakened beast could hunt only on the weak prey. The man himself was the prey.Раньше в этой стране насчитывалось десятки тысяч тигров. В ночное время люди боялись отходить от огней далеко, чтоб не стать лакомым кусочком для тигра. Есть вина человека в том, что большее количество тигров превратилось в людоедов. Часто пуля сразу не убивала зверя, а только ранила его. Израненный и ослабленный зверь мог охотиться только на слабую добычу. Человек сам оказался этой добычей.ПЕРЕВОД АНГЛИСКИЙ ЯЗЫК
I celebrate this holiday with my family, sometimes we are going to the park or to our relatives. At night we let fireworks, then, at home we eat very tasty food and watching tv.