I live in an urban area. I believe that the difference between town and city is that the city has a large population, and the town has less population. But if the difference between the city and the countryside, then I think that the advantage of the village is fewer cars, and thus the exhaust systems do not pollute the nature. There is fresh air in the village, people are physically stronger and also hardworking, etc. But the disadvantages of the village are that there are no hypermarkets, thus you have to go to the city for clothes, all sorts of personal belongings, etc. And people are not normally educated. Now about the city. The advantages of the city are that there are hypermarkets, people are more or less normally educated, in general, almost everything is available. But the disadvantages of the city are that they destroy nature! There are a lot of cars and they destroy not only nature with their exhaust gases, but also the air. People are cutting down trees to roll up new asphalt. And there are people in the city who are not hardworking. In my conclusion, I would like to live both in the city and in the countryside. But I will choose a city. Because I think the city has almost everything you need.
He called you, didn't he?
He has seen that movie, hasn't he?
You were living in France, weren't you?
You lived in France,didn't you?
Thomas came ever last night, didn't he?
Your grandmother was Irish, wasn't she?
Peter and Nancy have been arguing,haven't they?
The neighbors moved away, didn't they?
Is was cold yesterday, wasn't it?
You've spoken with her, haven't you?
Как видите, это совсем не сложно. Просто нужно посмотреть на вс глагол в предложении, и в ,,хвостике,, (то, что после запятой) написать этот глагол в противоположной форме. Был в утвердительной-стал в отрицательной; был в отрицательной-стал в утвердительной.
2. Phil satrted A course to become A fitness instructor. But he found THE course too boring and he dropped out.
3. Even __ money can't buy you __ health and __ happiness.
4. In THE 1970s __ men and __ women used to wear __ flared trousers.
5. Everybody knows that __ men in __ Scotland sometimes wear __ kilts. But THE modern kilt was invented in THE eighteenth century by Thomas Rawlinson, AN englishman!
6. A beautiful body doesn't always mean A beautiful mind.