После того, как мы нарисовали дверь, мы не поместили коробки с краской, где они принадлежали. Мы торопились, так как нам приходилось встречаться с нашими друзьями в аэропорту в семь вечера. Когда мы вернулись домой, мы увидели, что случилось что-то ужасное. Наша собака Рекс стала желтой во многих частях тела. Он определенно надеялся на диван или, возможно, спал на нем, так как на нем были желтые знаки. Перед тем, как мы ушли, я положил свою новую белую блузку на кресло. У меня больше нет модной блузки. Рекс тоже коснулся его.
My friend
I would like to tell you about my best friend. Her name is Lena. We know each other for many years. She is my next door neighbor. I always recognize her among many others. She is a girl of average height with a long curly blond hair. Lena has a sporty constitution. She is lean and slender build. Her skin has a cream-white color. Her face is oval. Lena has a straight nose and thick protruding lips. Her face is covered with freckles. Lena’s eyes are very beautiful. They are of deep green color, which reminds emerald. Her face is always kind and well-wishing. She often smiles and she’s always optimistic. Lena is very pretty girl and a true friend.
1tickets will be brought by the family
2a new musical school was opened in our city
3a great opera The marriage of Figaro was written by Mozart
4the teacher is loved by all pupils very much
5this violin is used by many famous musicians
6a new song has been written by the composer