В первом вопросе скорее всего не wet up, а get up. Тогда его можно перевести так: Во сколько часов ты просыпаешься в выходные дни? ответ: I always get up on 8 o'clock because i have to go to school (Я всегда встаю в 8 часов, потому что я должен идти в школу). Второй: В какие дни ты не ходишь в школу? ответ: I am free on Saturday and Sunday and i don't go to the school on holidays. (Я свободен в субботу и воскресенье, и я не хожу в школу в праздники).
They (1) (met) at a dance at a Jewish centre. “I (2) (had just come) out of the army, and I (3) (was looking for) a girlfriend,” says Leon. “I (4) (saw) a lovely blonde, with crocodile shoes. She (5) (was wearing) a white dress and (6) (had) a fine figure.” “I (7) (did not have) the crocodile shoes then,” Lilli reminds him. “Well, something struck me,” he smiles. “I (8) (had not danced) with such a beautiful girl before. And all the other boys (9) (watched/were watching) us.” That was in February 1947. Lilli and Leon (10) (got) married a very later and (11) (moved) into what (12) (had been) a storage space before.
I am making my homework. My mom is making dinner for our family. My father is working for my mather can make dinner for her family. My sister is going to the street. My granny is sleeping.
I was making my homework. My mom was making dinner for our family. My father was working for my mother can make dinner for her family. My sister was going to the street. My granny was sleeping.
I will make my homework. My mom will make dinner for our family. My father will work for my mother can make dinner for her family. My sister will go to the street. My granny will sleep.
ответ: I always get up on 8 o'clock because i have to go to school (Я всегда встаю в 8 часов, потому что я должен идти в школу).
Второй: В какие дни ты не ходишь в школу?
ответ: I am free on Saturday and Sunday and i don't go to the school on holidays. (Я свободен в субботу и воскресенье, и я не хожу в школу в праздники).