Say: 1) where william shakespeare was buried 2) what streets are usually lined with 3) which country is more prosperous- she usa or greece 4) when you prefer to wear your smartest clothes 5) what citi in russia you can call especially picturesque
William Shakespeare was buried in Stratford-upon-Avon Streets are usually lined with trees The USA is more prosperous country than Greece I prefer to wear my smartest clothes when I have my birthday party As for me the most picturesque city in Russia is St.Petersburg
На весенних каникулах я многое планнирую . Я хочу начать заняться спортом . Также я планнирую прочитать несколько книг , давно мною желанных. Мне давно хотелось заняться творчеством , но увы времени не было из-за учёбы . Но на каникулах я хочу развить себя в сфере искусства: начать рисовать , лепить , мастерить . Так как на канникулах у меня будет уйму времени , я постараюсь меньше сидеть в интернете , и провести время с пользой . На каникулах мне хочется проводить больше времени со своей семьёй , ведь из-за ежедневной суеты я провожу с ними мало времени . Мне хочется уделить намного больше заботы и ласки моему питомцу . Я также хочу заняться готовкой , обрадовав свою семью новым интересным блюдом , приготовленным мной . Весна ассоциируется у меня с порой начинаний, и благодаря каникулам я хочу выполнить запланированные мною когда-то дела . P.S. Забей этот текст в переводчике
I believe that the fairy tale "The Little Prince " is the best book about friendship. 1. The Little Prince and the Fox met when the little prince was in the world. They immediately liked each other . 2.Lis told the boy about friendship , and The Little Prince tamed the fox . 3 . The Little Prince has a light character, he is friendly and hardworking. Lis wise , intelligent and insightful . 4 . Little prince flew to his planet , and Fox alone. - I will weep for you . - So, it makes you feel bad. - No, I'm good. Golden wheat would be to remind me of you , - said Fox . Lis is not sad , because he had good memories . 5 . The Fox and The Little Prince were together a short time , but they became friends for life. I Fox apron words : " We are responsible for those who have tamed ." For me, this phrase - the essence of friendship.
I believe that the fairy tale "The Little Prince " is the best book about friendship. 1. The Little Prince and the Fox met when the little prince was in the world. They immediately liked each other . 2.Lis told the boy about friendship , and The Little Prince tamed the fox . 3 . The Little Prince has a light character, he is friendly and hardworking. Lis wise , intelligent and insightful . 4 . Little prince flew to his planet , and Fox alone. - I will weep for you . - So, it makes you feel bad. - No, I'm good. Golden wheat would be to remind me of you , - said Fox . Lis is not sad , because he had good memories . 5 . The Fox and The Little Prince were together a short time , but they became friends for life. I Fox apron words : " We are responsible for those who have tamed ." For me, this phrase - the essence of friendship.
Streets are usually lined with trees
The USA is more prosperous country than Greece
I prefer to wear my smartest clothes when I have my birthday party
As for me the most picturesque city in Russia is St.Petersburg