1. The Urals are situateв between Europe and Asia.
2.They aren't very high because the mountains were destroyed by the action of water, sun and air.
3. Because the greatest deposits of ores came to thesurface of the Earth.
4.It began during the time of Peter the First. Russia exported metal at that time.
5. Near the mountain Magnitnaya.
6. Shortage of coal.
7. Seventy different metals and minerals were discovered in the Urals.
8. Some of the deposits are exhausted, and the plants work on the ore from new layers (Kazakhstan, Siberia).
9.Yes, he does. I also hope that the region will have new stages of development.
Hello. How can I help you?
Good afternoon. I would like to get a library card at first.
Do you live in this district?
Yes, I do. Here is my ID Card. You can see my current address on it.
Thank you. Here is the application form. Please, fill it in and sign your full name at the bottom.
Here you are. My application is ready. Can I have a library card now?
Yes, sure. Here it is. What type of literature are you looking for?
I need some books on the history of China. Can you tell me where to find them?
All the books about China and its history are on the second floor on the most remote shelf. When you go upstairs, you need to walk past the IT-room and then turn left. It’s the last shelf on the right.
I see. Thank you. I’ll try to find it. I have one more question. My friend is looking for the literature about the history of World War II. Where can she find it?
She needs to look for it on the ground floor. To be precise all the literature on the World War II is in the second room on the right.
Ok, I’ll tell her about it.
But first, she needs to get a library card. Otherwise, she won’t be allowed to borrow the books and to take them home.
I see. Thank you for the information. I’ll tell her to get the library card.
But in General it does not matter, what is a girl. Because each of them is ideal for any specific man, seeking it. And it is not important, blonde or brunette, high or low, funny or serious. The main thing that she did not build themselves from what actually is not. When a man loves, he is not so much the weight and length of the feet of his beloved.
In one word, you understand that it is impossible to make a portrait of an ideal girlfriend. But not all men one thing that a woman loved him not for certain quality, type of material, moral or physical, but just because he is and lives in this world.
Идеал – непостоянная вещь, которая меняется по лет и приобретению опыта. Внешность, интеллект и характер – всего лишь непостоянные и такие временные критерии, которые далеко не так важны как внутренне наполнение и связь между мужчиной и женщиной.
А вообще абсолютно не важно, какие именно качества имеет девушка. Ведь каждая из них является идеалом для какого-то определенного мужчины, ищущего именно ее. И не важно, блондинка она или брюнетка, высокая она или низкая, веселая или серьезная. Главное чтобы она не строила из себя то, чем на самом деле не является. Когда мужчина любит, ему не сильно важен вес и длина ног его любимой.
Одним словом вы поняли, что невозможно составить портрет идеальной девушки. Но всем мужчинам важно одно, чтобы женщина любила его не за какие-то определенные качества, типа материалах, моральных или физических, а просто так, потому что он есть и живет на этом свете.