1. Drake and Josh
2. Abot two funny boys :D They are brothers.
3. The main characters - Drake and Josh.
4. Every day at 5 o'clock.
5. In my opinion it's very interesting TV show.
In clothes and in the way a person would like to look, the role that he would like to play in society, and his internal position, is revealed. The popular expression "Clothes make a person" implies that a person, his inner essence is what his clothes are. Clothing is a kind of convention. Explanation can be given not by fashion, but by the direction of style and its level.
В одежде и в том, как человек хотел бы выглядеть, проявляется та роль, которую он хотел бы играть в обществе, и его внутренняя позиция. Крылатое выражение “Одежда делает человека” подразумевает, что человек, его внутренняя сущность таковы, какова его одежда. Одежда является некой условностью. Разъяснение может дать не мода, а направление стиля и его уровень.
1. This TV show is called "Doctor Who"
2. "Doctor Who" is about an alien travelling in time and space with his companions
3. The main character of this TV show is a humanoid alien known as The Doctor
4. I watch "Doctor Who" every weekend
5. This TV show is very unteresting and fascinating