Finish, ask,answer, listen, collect, study, ski, talk, look это не правильные глаголы или правильные? какие неправильные напишите как будет в неправильной форме. заранее огромное !
1. Will Pete have completed his work by 4 o'clock tomorrow? Pete will not have completed his work by 4 o'clock tomorrow. 2 Will Diana have changed her mind by the end of the evening? Diana will not have changed her mind by the end of the evening. 3 Will we have seen all the places of interest by the end of our holiday? We will not have seen all the places of interest by the end of our holiday. 4. Will the guests have left before his parents come? The guests will not have left before his parents come. 5. Will Liz have written the test when the teacher comes back? Liz will not have written the test when the teacher comes back. 6. Will they have bought the house by autumn? They will not have bought the house by autumn.
Summer- it's a fun time, when there is no school, warm, fun, and want to relax and spend time not just.In the summer I often go to Europe, usually for a week. From previous trips to London I liked the most. Now I would like to go to Spain and Greece.I like to spend summer vacation in the country. We have a small pond, where I like to watch the frogs. If you look good to them, you can make a lot of new.I love sport. In summer, you need to give this a big impact. If I come to the resort, I will go to exercise, bathe, take part in various activities.I like summer, and I try not to spend it alone and with friends, among relatives, in the air, on the sea. I would like to make my summer was bright and saturated, not without incident!
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