подлежащее + сказуемое(правильный глагол+ed,если неправильный - смотри второй столбик в словаре в списке неправильных глаголов)+ остальные члены предложения.
например, I cleaned my room yesyerday (cleaned - правильный глагол);
I wrote the letter ( wrote - вторая форма непр. гл. write)
2.Вопрос всегда с подлеж.+глагол в первой форме+ ост.члены предл.?
Did he go to school?
Where did he go?
3.Отрицательное :
подл.+did not+глагол в первой форме(правильной и неправильный)
1) 2) I am waiting for the bus... 3) ... are eating... 4) ... are flying... 5) Who are waiting ...
1) Is the sun shining now? 2) Are The children sitting on the grass now? 3) Are They looking at the sky now? 4) Are Some birds flying in the sky now? 5) Is She telling me about her plans now?
1)Peter isn't taking his fliend to the Tretyakov Gallery now. 2) He isn't doing his morning exercises now. 3) The Petrovs aren't moving to the new flat now. 4) Nobody is waiting for you in the kitchen now. 5) Kate isn't looking for her dog now.
1) My grandmother said that she had never been to Moscow before. 2) He remembered that he had left his had at the cloakroom. 3) She wrote that she had had a good rest at the seaside a month before. 4) The travellers came to the hotel, left their luggage there and went for a walk in the town. 5) Yesterday I received a letter from my friend, from whom I had not heard for a long time. 6) We read in yesterday’s newspaper that a group of doctors from other countries had come to Kiev to take part in a meeting of fighters for peace.
1.Утвердительное предложение:
подлежащее + сказуемое(правильный глагол+ed,если неправильный - смотри второй столбик в словаре в списке неправильных глаголов)+ остальные члены предложения.
например, I cleaned my room yesyerday (cleaned - правильный глагол);
I wrote the letter ( wrote - вторая форма непр. гл. write)
2.Вопрос всегда с подлеж.+глагол в первой форме+ ост.члены предл.?
Did he go to school?
Where did he go?
3.Отрицательное :
подл.+did not+глагол в первой форме(правильной и неправильный)
I did not read the book last week.