1. if it rainS, we'll take an umbrella (1st conditional - первый кондишнл, описание реальных условий. Здесь главное запомнить, что английский - не русский и говорить так, как в предложении номер 1 не надо. Present simple + future simple - если дождь идет, я возьму зонт (это очень грубый перевод, но понять).
2. I think my dad will BE here next Monday (просто пропущен глагол to be, НЕ говорим is потому что у нас уже есть will)
3. Perhaps Sam comeS with Alice. (Present Simple, у he/she/it (Сэм в нашем случае это он - he) ставится S на конце глагола) Или Perhaps Sam WILL come with Alice (Future simple)
4. I think Mike WILL go to the cinema tomorrow (Future simple, тк стоит tomorrow)
5. Will the trip from Tomsk to Moscow take a long time? (тут не уверена, видимо, неправильный порядок слов. Если этот вариант не подошел, то скажите How long does it take to get from Tomsk to Moscow?)
6. I'm home, when my parents come (0 conditional если это факт). I will be at home, when my parents come (Я буду дома, когда мои родители придут, 1 conditional).
1. I'm in _ form (вместо черточки скажи свой класс, именно номер класса)
2. My school is big.
3. There are _ floors in my school (вместо черточки количество этажей в твоей школе)
4. There are classrooms for each subject such as Russian language, English Language, Geography, Biology and so on.
5. There is a gym in my school and all forms use it for PE lessons.
6. Yes, we do. I love them.
7. Yes, there are classrooms for every subject, but we don't have special labs.
8. A typical classroom in my school has a blackboard, teacher's table and enough desks for all pupils.
9. I'm not sure if there are any clubs in my school.
10. Most of my teachers are kind and friendly.
11. A good teacher has to be patient, friendly and they have to rest enough to teach well.
12. There are __ students in my class. (вместо черточки кол-во учеников в твоем классе)
13. I think 20-25 (twenty - twenty five) should be in class.
14. I ask for help or study by myself.
15. I have a lot of good memories from my primary school days. (primary school - начальная школа)
16. Most of my classmates walk to school.
17. I was happy to become a pupil.
18. My first book I have ever read was "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by Puskin.
19. My first teacher was very helpful and understanding.
20. Yes, i think they are.