Рэп:Хэллоу, даблъю даблъю эф ван. Хау кэн ай хэлп ю? Мэтт: хай. Айм интрэстэд ин мэйкинг э донэйшн. Рэп : ватс грэйт! Ду ю вонт ту мэйк э ван-оф донэйшн о Вуд ю префё ту мэйк э регъюлар монфли ван? Мэтт: э монфли донейшн Летс сэй твенти файв пё мауф. Рэп: ватс вэри джэнироус. Ю ноу вэт инклудс фри мэмбэршип, донт ю? Мэтт: оу рили? Энд вот а зе бэнэфитс оф мэмбэршип? Рэп: ю гэт аур мэгэзин еври фри мауфс энд рэгъюлар пост эбаут аур кэмпэйнс. Мэтт: гуд. Ватс грэйт. Хау кэн ай пэй? Рэп: лэт ми гив ю аур бэнк экаунт дитэйлс. Итс барклис банк, экаунт ноу:фри найн файв эйт ту найн файв сэвэн эйт фри ван. Куд ай тэйк ё нэйм энд эдрэс Мэтт: сетэнли. Май нэймс мэтт рассл энд ай лайв эт фёти фо сказдэйл роуд, бромли, кент. Рэп: фэнк ю вэри мач, мистэр Рассл. Юлл рисэйв зэ лэйтст ишеуоф зе даблъю даблъю эф мэгэзин энд э вэлкам пак сун. Мэтт: фэнкс э лот
spring is a beatiful season. even though there are four seasons a year, i prefer spring time. and, whenever i'm asked what my favourite season is, i instantly answer: "spring".
it's not only because my birthday is in spring, but also because it's the most precious season for me. i think that nothing can be more beautiful than awakening of nature after long winter sleep. that's exactly what happens during this time of the year.
first month is still a bit cold. in my region it snows and rains a lot in march. however, gradually we see the first spring flowers appearing on the surface, among them snowdrops, lily of the valley, daffodils, violets. the grass becomes greener and the nights become shorter.
march is also marked by the celebration of the international women’s day. on this day women don’t do any housework, they simply relax and enjoy the holiday. their husbands, sons, fathers and brothers give them nice presents and do everything for them.
april is a warm month. although, it often rains, the weather is not cold anymore. on the first day of april we have the fools’ day. it’s a funny holiday, when your friends can play different tricks on you or tell jokes. easter also falls on april. it’s one of my favorite holidays. i associate this day with tasty cakes and colorful eggs.
may starts with the labor day or may day. it’s an international workers’ day in many countries. on this day people hold ceremonial parades. the 9th of may is another remarkable day. it’s a victory day, which is celebrated to commemorate the second world war victims and veterans. the weather in may is fantastic. although, it sometimes rains, most of the time it is warm and sunny.