Перевод на : у моей мамы день рождение восмого ноября, моё день рождение четвёртого августа, день рождение папы двадцать пятого июля, день рождение моей сестры девятого марта
My mother's birthday is on the 8th of November. My birthday is on the 4th of August. My father's b-day is on the 25th of July. My sister's b-day is on the 9th of March.
Tim:Do not paw my chocolate! I:Good... I:Now I need to melt this chocolate in a water bath Tim:I is already ready I:Well, what then? Tim:I want heat too! I:Do not bother me, Tim! Tim:Exactly, let me go! I:I put all the chocolate and wait for it to melt. The main thing is to stir it constantly Tim:is a bear's dream I:No, it's a dream gluttons. I: Well, finally, our chocolate melted and now I can fill it in the mold and the next step it will have to be put in the refrigerator to freeze Tim: I want them to subscribe! Who am I? Tim:All those who are not signed, subscribe! Tim:I want to salute in my honor from the bears I: out of bears, Tim To simulate! I:Well, I'll do it well.