1) He is a good lawyer, he doesn't make such a mistake. (lol, suck?
2) I wish I could get this project done by tomorrow.
3) I wish I had a big car. (I wish I had had a big car is also correct)
4) I wish it would stop raining.
5) I wish they had come last joliday with us.
6) I would rather he didn't go for a walk.
7) If Australia did not happen to be isolated from the rest of the world, it wouldn’t possess such a unique fauna.
8) If I had taken an aspirin an hour ago, I would not have had a headache now.
1. ссорится/спорить с
1) I argued with my mother yesterday, but we quickly reconciled (помирились)
move to another house
2)Our neighbors moved to another house
sibling- родной брат (я так поняла состовлять с англ. словом)
3)She has a sibling
to throw a party - устраивать вечеринку
4)they throw a party but their neighbors were against
lose something valuable
5)my sister lost something valuable so she is very upset
сдавать экзамены
6)one day I will sit my exams
disagree with parents
7)sometimes i disagree with my parents
(составила со всеми словами чтоб на всякий случай)
2 не знаю
I think that no matter what languages they say children in Kazakhstan. All of us, regardless of skin color and eye shape. Combines the feeling of love and gratitude to his native land. Remember the guidance is expected. Altynsarin: \ "It is the duty of each of us - to make a strong contribution to the benefit of their homeland \". And if a man has a gift, talent, intelligence, he would use them for the glory of their homeland. I love you, Kazakhstan, modern, independent, looking to the future.
Kazakhstan - a country of great opportunities, only a half dozen years ago became independent. Its development goes big tempami.Moy Kazakhstan - the most expensive, important, precious, beloved country. This is my motherland. I can not help wondering how to get along together in our country, people of different nationalities, speaking different languages, professing different religions.In Kazakhstan, a single family lived fifteen million people from over a hundred nationalities. All of us, people of different nationalities, united in common: we - the people of Kazakhstan. Multinational our country and my big rodnya.Shiroko properly stretched and Kazakhstan. The sun rises from the steppes, the whole day is over the steppe, meeting with dense forests and thousands of lakes, it also comes in stepi.Skazochno rich mineral wealth of the ancient Kazakh land. Coal, oil, gold, titanium, lead, zinc, iron - all can be found in the Kazakh land.
Now we are only children, but now we make plans for the future, dreaming of becoming someone in life, to benefit the state, increase the wealth of our country. Study hard, be kind and generous. Peace and harmony on earth - that's the most important thing for every person. We are confident in the future, our President will do everything to ensure that we lived happily ever after.That's what my Kazakhstan: a peaceful, free, rich, multicultural