Переведите - 1. do your parents love you? whether you believe they do or no, i have no intention of tying to persuade you one way or the other. instead, i will tell you just when you find this out for yourselves. actually not until you become parents yourselves. then you will know. 2. mark twain the great american writer used to say when he was fourteen his father was so ignorant he could hardly stand to have him around but when he was twenty-one he was astonished at how me his father had learned in those seven years.
2. Марк Твен великий американский писатель говорил, когда ему было четырнадцать лет его отец был настолько невежественны он едва мог стоять, чтобы иметь его вокруг, но, когда он был двадцать один год, он был поражен тем, как я его отец узнал в этих семи лет.