Today is Monday. Everybody in the Lambert family are busy. Mr. Lambert is in his garage. He is fixing a car. Mrs. Lambert is a housewife. She is cooking dinner now. Peter is in the classroom. He studies physics. Kate is in the music room playing a guitar. Bill is in the art room. He is painting a picture. What are you doing now? What is everybody in your family doing now? My name is Peter. I am in the classroom. I’m sitting in my seat right now. I am reciting for my teacher. He stands at his desk. But now he is not talking. I’m talking to him at the moment. Some students usually recite loudly. Others have soft voices. I have a loud voice when I recite.
Посмотри внимательней, если в этой анаграмме в условии ты пропустил (не написал) одну букву "r", тогда точно это. Это фамилия фантаста Рэя Брэдбери ( Ray Bradbury ), он к космонавтике не имеет отношения.
А. Gagarin - Юрий Гагарин - космонавт
Б. Bradbury - Рэй Брэдбэри - писатель-фантаст
В. Collins - Майкл Коллинз - космонавт
Г. Armsrong - Нил Армстронг - космонавт