Underline the correct answer:
1. Where's Jim? – He's gone to the cinema.
2. I've read this novel many times.
3. He's been writing his autobiography for 2 years and hasn't finished it yet.
4. I've already seen this film.
5.The programme hasn't finished yet.
6. Omar Sharif hasn't starred in a film for 15 years.
7. Malakhov has been working for the media for 20 years.
8. Have you ever met a celebrity?
9. I still haven't understood who killed the hero.
10. She's been listening to music in her room all day long.
1. Let’s go out. It is not raining now.(now-сейчас. действие происходит в момент речи т. е. длится)
2. How is your English? Not bad. It improves slowly.( не в данный момент, а вообще улучшается)
3. Can you drive? I am learning ( я нахожусь в процессе обучения). My father teaches me.
когда 3 л. ед. число(he,she,it)на конце глагола появляется окончание -s