чееел, вот
1. since (Идет дождь с пятницы.)
2. at (Я не видел тебя дома.)
3. from – in (Откуда ты родом? – Россия. Но живу я в Германии.)
4. for – in (Подожди меня. Я вернусь через час.)
5. to – by (Мы часто ездим в Сочи на поезде.)
6. for (Люси работает официанткой в течение 4 лет.)
7. until (Он не мог заснуть до трех утра.)
8. after (Ее назвали в честь бабушки?)
9. in (Они интересуются философией.)
10. of (Я не люблю кошек.)
11. at (Тебе надо повернуть налево на углу.)
12. At – on (В 10 часов Бен разговаривал по телефону.)
13. at (Они все еще на работе.)
14. to (Он никогда не ходит в кино.)
15. of – by (Портрет моей матери был написан известным художником.)
1Where is the UK situated? — The UK is situated on the British Isles.
2What is the country washed by in the south, in the west and in the north?— The country is washed by the English Channel in the south, the Atlantic ocean in the west, the North sea in the north
3What separates the country from the European continent? — The country is separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.
4What are the most important rivers of Great Britain? — The most important river of Great Britain is the Tames.
5What is the Lake District famous for? — The Lake District is famous for Loch Ness.
6Which are the highest mountains in Great Britain and where are they situated? — Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Great Britain, it is situated in Scotland.
7Is the climate in the UK mild or continental? — The climate in the UK is mild.
1)Some of those students are a bit unfriendly
2)Reading English books is a really good idea
3) It's incredibly hard to learn Chinese