1. We visit our grandparents very often. Do you visit your grandparents very often? Do you visit your grandparents very often or very rarely? Who visits your grandparents very often? Who do you visit very often? How often do you visit your grandparents? We visit our grandparents very often, dodn't we?
2. My grandmother left spectacles in her room. Did my grandmother leave spectacles in her room? Did my grandmother leave spectacles or keys in her room? Who left spectackles in the room? What did grandmother leave in the room? Where did grandmother leave spectackles? My grandmother left spectacles in her room, didn't she?
1. We shall meet (Future Simple) on Sunday. We shan't meet on Sunday. 2. I was very busy (Past Simple) on Wednesday. I wasn't very busy on Wednesday. 3. He goes (Present Simple) to school by bus. He doesn't go to school by bus. 4. My friend makes (Present Simple) many mistakes. My friend doesn't make many mistakes. 5. I finished (Past Simple) school last year. I didn't finish school last year. 6. My friend served (Past Simple) in the Army in the Far East. My friend didn't serve in the Army in the Far East. 7. His parents work (Present Simple) at the same factory. His parents don't work at the same factory. 8. The teacher answered (Past Simple) all our questions. The teacher didn't answer all our questions. 9. He is fond (Present Simple) of folk music. He isn't fond of folk music. 10. They will come (Future Simple) to see us at the weekend. They won't come to see us at the weekend.
Украинский:я повернувся в Лондоні у мене три квитки нафутбольний матч сьогодні ввечері Але Вікі не вмісто now.The матч починається о пів на восьму.Хочете піти зі мною? Я на мійбабусі в moment.We можна зустріти в7:15 поза stadium.We можепіти на піцу після матчу! Подзвони мені 347-887 до 6:00. А русский : я вернулся в Лондон у меня три билета на футбольный матч сегодня вечером Но Вики не в городе сейчас. Матч начинается в половине восьмого. Хотите пойти со мной? Я на мой бабушки сейчас.We можно встретить в7:15 вне stadium.We можетпойти на пиццу после матча! Позвони мне 347-887 до 6:00.
Do you visit your grandparents very often?
Do you visit your grandparents very often or very rarely?
Who visits your grandparents very often?
Who do you visit very often?
How often do you visit your grandparents?
We visit our grandparents very often, dodn't we?
2. My grandmother left spectacles in her room.
Did my grandmother leave spectacles in her room?
Did my grandmother leave spectacles or keys in her room?
Who left spectackles in the room?
What did grandmother leave in the room?
Where did grandmother leave spectackles?
My grandmother left spectacles in her room, didn't she?