Теперь, Общество Красного Креста находится в почти каждой стране. Приблизительно 250000000 добровольцев во всем мире этой организации. Красный Крест людям, давая приют, пищу и медицину, добровольцы Красного Креста обучают людей в скорой и заботиться о нетрудо и стариках. Люди празднуют День Красного Креста 8 мая, день рождения Генри Дунэнт*са. В 1870 было сформировано британское Общество Красного Креста. У британского Красного Креста есть Группы Юниора и Молодежи. Есть больше чем 22000 британских участников Красного Креста в 1700 Молодежные Группы.
Now, the Society of the Red Cross is in almost each country. Approximately 250000000 volunteers all over the world help this organisation. The red Cross helps people, sheltering, food and medicine, volunteers of the Red Cross train people in first aid and to care about invalid and old men. People celebrate Day of the Red Cross on May, 8th, Henry Dunent*sa's birthday. In 1870 the British Society of the Red Cross has been generated. The British Red Cross has Groups of the Junior and Youth. Is more than 22000 British participants of the Red Cross in 1700 Youth Groups.
What for me volunteering? It is somehow difficult to answer this question at once … Something pushes modern little girls and guys to help others, giving some feasible help?. And they do it disinterestedly, just because someone will smile in reply or will tell silent "thanks". And it is quite unusual in our rigid, pragmatic time when keenness, sincere generosity aren't quoted", everything is measured in a money equivalent. Also it is often possible to hear: "Volunteer? And how many to you pay?". And having learned that the volunteer is the volunteer assistant doing some work free of charge and on the initiative helping others, do round eyes. "Free of charge?! Yes you that? Has gone crazy, perhaps?! And why to you it is necessary? It is possible to find a worthy side job …". At first such misunderstanding upset. And then understanding has come that everyone chooses the. It is pleasant to someone to be emo or Ghat, hippie or the punk. Volunteering — to some extent too the peculiar subculture uniting young people who think also of the health, and about health of the future children. People who bear the knowledge to peers … At this age trust age-mates much more, than the adult … Besides the volunteer — the person not indifferent. To such children not "all the same" if domestic boys offend the child or torment a kitten, they won't pass by if the help is required … Any help, even if also insignificant …