Mary: I was thinking about cooking something special tonight. What do you think about it, Pete?Мэри: Я думаю приготовить что-нибудь особенное сегодня вечером. Как ты смотришь на это, Пит? Peter: Sounds good. Let's do that!Питер: Я за! Давай так и поступим. Mary: How about roast turkey with potatoes?Мэри: Как насчет жареной индейки с картофелем? Peter: Potatoes are fine, but I really don't like eating any poultry.Питер: Картофель - это хорошо, но вот мясо птицы я совсем не люблю. Mary: You seem to be a picky eater. Then, what do you like or what are you used to eating?Мэри: Кажется, ты привиредлив в еде. Что же ты тогда любишь есть или к чему привык? Peter: I am picky indeed. My mum always said that too. When I was a child it was hard to cook something to my taste. Things haven't changed much since then. I used to like only sweets and ice-cream. Each time we had a family meal with starters and main courses, I would simply hide somewhere not to eat it.Питер: Я, на самом деле, привиредлив. Моя мама тоже так всегда говорила. В детстве ей с трудом удавалось угодить моему вкусу. Мне нравились только сладости и мороженое. Каждый раз во время семейных трапез с первыми и вторыми блюдами, я прятался где-нибудь, чтоб не кушать. Mary: So, what do you mean? Do you want to say you don't like any kind of meat?Мэри: Так, что же это значит? Ты хочешь сказать, что ты совсем не любишь есть мясо? Peter: I really don't. Gradually, I understood that being a vegetarian suits me best. I prefer fruit and vegetables. I especially like dishes from pumpkin or zucchini. Fruit salad are fine for me too.Питер: Да, так и есть. Со временем я понял, что я скорее вегетарианец. Я предпочитаю фрукты и овощи. В особенности мне нравятся блюда из тыквы или цукини. Ещё я люблю фруктовые салаты. Mary: How abour seasonal salads? For example, in summer I like fresh tomato and cucumber salad with onions, various herbs and seasonings.Мэри: Как насчет сезонных салатов? Например, летом мне нравится есть салаты из свежих помидоров и огурцов с луком и различными приправами. Peter: Yes, me too. I definitely like garden-fresh salads. I don't like seasonings though.Питер: Да, я тоже такое люблю. Мне очень нравятся свежие салаты с овощами из огорода.
The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that is an important advantage . Seeing, as we know, is believing. That is why television nowadays has become one of the most importante forms of mass media. It influences the way people look at the world and makes them change their views. In other words/ mass media, and espesially television, mould public opinion. There 2 points on television. Some people think that television xoes a lot of harm. People begin to forget how to occupy their free time. It prevents them from communicating with each other, from visiting friends and relatives. Now all of their free time is given to television. But there are a lot of people who consider TV helpful because it gives us a lot of information. Millions of people like to watch tv in theis spare time. We become bettwer inforemed by watching documentaries, science programmes and by learning about the most importat economic, social amd political issures of the day. We can see famous people and events will pass into history. Television brings the world into our living rooms and simply helps us to relax after a hard day, offering a great varienty of entertaining and musical programmes. Still it is not a good thing for children to be glued tj the tv screen all day long. It is very harmful for their health and for developing personalities.