I really like figure skater Evgeny Plushenko. When you watch his performance, you forget that figure skating is an incredibly difficult sport.
I know that figure skating begins at the age of five, or even earlier. Day after day, year after year, children master all these elements in heavy training. It is impossible to count how many there have been since Zhenya Plushenko first started skating.
We only see the dizzying quad jumps, but we don't see how much sweat he sheds in training. We don't feel how painful it is for a figure skater when he gets injured, and figure skating is among the most traumatic sports.
No, we are just admiring the beautiful and technical ice dance, rejoicing in its victories. Probably, it is necessary.
That's why I love figure skating in general and Evgeni Plushenko in particular: for this lightness. The fact that it is actually oh so difficult is given - it passes by the viewer.
1. What were you doing at 6:30 yesterday evening?
Например: /I was doing my homework/
2. Were you and your family having breakfast at 7:30 a.m.?
/Yes, we were having breakfast at 7:30 a.m./
3. What were your parents doing at 8:30 yesterday?
/They were watching TV./
4. Were you walking to school at 8 o'clock?
/No, I wasn't. I was going to school at 7.30/
5. Where were you sitting at 9:30 yesterday morning?
/I was sitting in my Russian lesson./
6. Who was sitting next to you in your English lesson last week?
/My friend (имя друга) Irina was sitting next to me in my English lesson last week./
Эти вопросы нужно с партнёром по парте задавать по очереди друг другу, и отвечать на них на уроке. Примерные ответы я написала под вопросами.
Считается, что отпечатки обуви или шин необходимо сначала сфотографировать до того, как попытаться восстановить их.
2. The new performance of the central drama theatre is said to be popular with both old and young.
Говорят, что новый спектакль центрального драматического театра пользуется популярностью как у молодых, так и у пожилых людей.
3. One more inquisitional experiment was supposed to be much more successful than all the previous ones.
Предполагали, что еще один следственный эксперимент будет гораздо более успешным, чем все предыдущие.
4. The language of that scientific article turned out to be too difficult to understand.
Оказалось, что язык этой научной статьи было слишком трудным для понимания.
5. One of the old shop-assistants happened to overhear their confidential conversation.
Один из старых продавцов случайно услышал их конфиденциальный разговор. (=Случилось так, что один из старых продавцов услышал….)