0-Какие планы у вас на завтра?
-Я буду завтра дома
1-Здещь очень душно
-Идет дождь
2.- погода сегодня хорошая. Какие у тебя планы на завтра?
-Мы собираемся посетить зоопарк.
3 - Нет. Но температура очень высокая и после сильного дождя так сыро. Будет не жарко, но и не влажно.
4. - Идет дождь, что ты собираешься делать?
-Я останусь дома и буду смотреть Телевизор.
5.-Снаружи светит солнце. Ненавижу сегодня быть дома.
- согласен. Вот почему я собираюсь потратить большую часть дня на пляже.
6.- На небе темно
-да . сейчас будет шторм
7.- Холодно надень теплый свитер.
- Сейчас. Облачно, скоро пойдет снег.
8. - Почему на тебе спортивный костюм?
- Я собираюсь играть в футбол после школы.
9. Какая погода будет завтра?
- Смотри, небо безоблачное. Такая и будет погода завтра
The City I Want To Visit
There are many interesting and beautiful places in the world. Even my country has so many fantastic towns. If I had a possibility I would like to visit all of them. But my biggest dream is New York.
I always liked the United States. This country is full of sun, interesting people, new possibilities and fun. I am this kind of person who likes to risk and explore new places. If I had a chance I would go there even alone.
New Your is one of the biggest cities in the world. DC Washington is the capital but almost everyone I know wants to visit New York. I think 1 month there would be enough for me.
First of all I would go to see Central Park. It’s the biggest park, where you can meet even celebrities. It’s a kind of small green island in a stolen jungle. Here I would do morning exercises and read a book on the weekend.
Another stop is Time Square. I think it’s a heart of the city. Many shops, cafes, restaurants and beautiful locations would wait for me.
One more place to stop is a Statue of Liberty. I have heard that this statue you can see from any part of New York.
This city never sleeps. Any person who wants to move to America prefers to live in New York. When I was a child I liked to watch movies about this city and promised myself to go there one day. I think people there have interesting and carefree life. I guess one day I will go there. A dream like this have to come true.
I have heard many different facts about New York. Someone says there are many poor people there and movies lie about beautiful and crazy life. But I still believe that NY is the most beautiful city in the world. I would travel there with my best friend and my sister. I am sure we would have so much fun together.
Dear Sir,
I am writing with regards enrolling in your sports facilities, as I am keen to improve my level of fitness and I have always enjoyed football and swimming, two of the options you have available.
A friend of mine joined about six weeks back and he has been very positive in his feedback of your club and recommended it to me and a number of friends.
I understand that there are amateur football competitions thar run in the evenings and I would be very keen to join a team as it has been one of my passions for many years. As I mentioned I enjoy swimming, but am also interested in finding out more about your indoor climbing wall. As far as I understand this is the highest of its kind in the area and I would be very keen to try it, even though I have never done anything like that before.
I would be grateful if you could let me know about membership options or arrange a time for me to come and see you.
Yours faithfully,
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