Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. It
closest to the sun, so Mercury is a very hot planet .This planet was named after the ancient Roman god of commerce. His name was fast Mercury. And the planet was so named because it is faster than other planets .
Меркурий-это самая маленькая планета в солнечной системе. Оно ближе всех находится к солнцу, поэтому Меркурий очень горячая планета.Эту планету назвали в честь древнеримского бога торговли. Его звали быстрый Меркурий. А планету так назвали потому что она быстрее других планет.
Choose the correct words to
complete the sentences.
14 I was amazed / amazing at how much money
she spent.
15 He eats a lot of carbohydrates / dairy
products, such as bread and potatoes.
16 I make / play a lot of sport.
17 Mia spent so much money on my present. She is
very optimistic / generous.
18 Phones are so versatile / compact now—
they can do so many different things.
19 Its so wasteful / green to throw away clothes
after wearing them once or twice.
20 I arrived at the party at eight o'clock and
stayed at / until midnight.
21 Be organised / patient! Sofia will be here
soon — you just have to wait!
22 Walk for a hundred metres and then take / turn
the second street on the right.
23 Meat, fish and beans are all examples of proteins
/ dairy products.
3.This is his nose.
4. These are his legs.
5.This is his hand.