1) The workers have been trying to move our wardrobe for half an hour, go help them. (Перевод: рабочие уже полчаса пытаються сдвинуть наш шкаф им) 2) I have been waiting here for 2 hours! (Перевод: Я прождал здесь два часа!) 3) We have been preparing for our exam since morning. (Перевод: Мы готовились к экзамену с самого утра.) 4) It has not been snowing here since 1993. (Перевод: Здесь не было снега с 1993 года.) 5) Do you like this cake? I have been baking it since morning. (Перевод: Тебе нравится этот пирог? Я пекла его с самого утра.) 6) I smell tobacco. Have you been smoking? (Перевод: Я чувствую запах табака. Ты что, курил?) 7) Has she been using my car again? (Перевод: Она опять пользовалась моей машиной?) 8) I have been living in Kiev since 1975. (Перевод: Я (уже) живу в Киеве с 1975 года.) 9) How long have you been studying Spanish? (Перевод: Сколько времени ты (уже) учишь испанский?)
1 He buys a newspaper when he goes out. 2 He will write a letter to his parents after he has passed his exam. 3 She will not do anything until she hears from us. 4 Where will you live when you get married? 5 As soon as he learns the truth, he will let me know. 6 When I find somewhere to live I will give you my adress. 7 They will go straight home after she has done the shopping. 8 Will you come and see me before you leave England forever? 9 I will stay at home till the wind changes. 10 When we go to a big city, I will send you a postcard. 11 When I know the unswer I will tell you. 12 She wants to be a doctor when she has left school. 13 What will happen when the train stops? 14 When the weather is good I (will) go for a walk (оба варианта возможны) 15 I will meet you at the station if you let me know. 16 If the weather is nice tomorrow we will go for a picnic. 17 I know you will have trouble if you make a mistake. 18 She will go to the party if he goes too. 19 I will pack my bags soonet if you help me. 20 We will play tennis this evening if it doesn't rain. 22 If we run out of money we will get a job. 23 If the bus doesn't come soon, I'll be late. 24 If I have some spare time i will learn French. 25 If you go to Paris you will see the Eiffel Tower. 26 If anyone tells you this news don't believe it. 27 I will be late if the bus doesn't arrive on time.
The Clarks live in a tiny (1) apartment on the top (2) floor of a (3) block of flats in the city centre. It has (4) a chimney so it is very warm in the winter. It doesn’t have (5) a conditioner because the summers are never very hot. They were lucky to find it because (6) apartment is very scarce in the city and it’s easier to find a flat in a new estate on the (7) outside of the city or in the (8) side
Their dream is to (9) move to the country and live in an old (10) city in a little (11) villa. Where they live now, their next-door neighbours are always complaining about the noise when Jane plays her trumpet, and they haven’t got (12) room for all their things: there aren’t enough (13) space in the (14) library for all the children’s books and the (15) wardrobe in the bedroom aren’t big enough for all Tom’s clothes.
But if they did find a place in the country, they’d have to buy it and pay the mortgage every month – more than the (16) rent they pay to their (17) landman at the moment. Still they wouldn’t mind this if they could live somewhere that more (18) silent.